A divorce agreement is a contract entered into by a couple that describes how the couple deals with their family obligations and protects and shares their marital assets while moving through the process of dissolving their marriage. This document can be used either to establish: 1) a fixed-term agreement that will remain in effect only until a new contract is concluded in the form of a divorce decree or 2. an agreement that will be enshrined in a final decree on divorce and will remain in force after the conclusion of the divorce. This agreement addresses issues related to assistance to children and spouses, debt and property sharing, child custody and the period of education, and marriage sharing. This method can reduce or even eliminate the need for judicial intervention. The following divorce agreement contains a settlement agreement between the petitioner “Lena K Morris” and the respondent Richard A Saul. After their separation, Lena K Morris and Richard A Saul agreed on their ownership and financial intentions. Divorce is never easy, but you and your spouse have both agreed to this divorce and you have reached an agreement on how to distribute your assets, accounts, debts and/or custody of the children. You can establish a divorce agreement to clearly define the terms of the transaction with your spouse.

Each spouse is responsible for the spouse`s own debt prior to the celebration of his or her marriage, unless that agreement expressly specifies something else to deal with the other spouse`s debt. Individually, each spouse is liable for his or her own debt after the date of separation, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in this agreement. Each spouse must settle his debts within the time frame prescribed by the creditor concerned. In addition, spouses are required to bear these debts and keep others free of these debts in their entirety. You should use a divorce contract if you know where your spouse is and if you are in contact with him or her; You and your spouse are negotiating your divorce and you want any desire for a property-sharing plan; You and your spouse have decided to divorce and you have already agreed on the distribution of assets and assets; or you and your spouse plan to meet with a lawyer and want to prepare for a property-sharing project.