The WTO Analytical Index Anti-Dumping Agreement: Understanding the Basics

Anti-dumping measures have been adopted by many countries to protect their markets from the adverse effects of dumping. Dumping occurs when a company exports a product to another country at a lower price than its normal value in the domestic market, causing injury to the domestic industry of the importing country.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has established rules for anti-dumping measures under the Anti-Dumping Agreement (ADA), which came into force in 1995. The ADA is one of the three pillars of the WTO agreements, along with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).

The WTO Analytical Index Anti-Dumping Agreement is a comprehensive guide to the ADA, providing a detailed explanation of the provisions of the agreement, including its interpretation, application, and negotiation. The Index is a valuable tool for government officials, lawyers, and scholars who deal with anti-dumping issues.

The WTO Analytical Index is divided into four parts. Part I is an introduction to the ADA, including its objectives, scope, and basic concepts. Part II deals with the substantive provisions of the ADA, including the definition of dumping, the determination of injury, and the imposition of anti-dumping duties.

Part III covers the procedural aspects of anti-dumping investigations, including the initiation of investigations, the role of interested parties, and the time limit for the imposition of anti-dumping duties. Part IV deals with the review and appeals procedures, including the review of anti-dumping measures and the settlement of disputes related to anti-dumping measures.

The Index also contains a list of relevant WTO decisions, reports, and working documents related to anti-dumping issues. These documents provide guidance to WTO members on the interpretation and implementation of the ADA.

In conclusion, the WTO Analytical Index Anti-Dumping Agreement is an essential tool for understanding the complex rules and procedures governing anti-dumping measures under the ADA. It provides a comprehensive guide to the provisions of the agreement and the relevant WTO documents, ensuring that anti-dumping measures are applied in a fair and transparent manner.