The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, was an agreement signed in 1994 between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It aimed to eliminate trade barriers and promote economic growth for the three countries. However, concerns about labor standards led to the inclusion of a labor side agreement in NAFTA.

The labor side agreement established a framework for cooperation between the three countries to improve working conditions and protect workers` rights. The agreement requires each country to enforce its labor laws and promote the right to collective bargaining, eliminate child labor and forced labor, and prohibit employment discrimination.

One of the key goals of the labor side agreement was to prevent a race to the bottom in labor standards. With increased trade, companies could move production to countries with lower labor standards, leading to a race to the bottom where workers` rights and working conditions were sacrificed in the name of production efficiency. The labor side agreement aimed to prevent this by ensuring that workers` rights were protected and enforced across all three countries.

The labor side agreement also established a mechanism for resolving labor disputes between the three countries. If a company in one country is found to be violating labor standards, workers or unions in any of the three countries can file a complaint and initiate an investigation. The three countries then work together to resolve the dispute and ensure that the company is held accountable for any labor violations.

The labor side agreement has been a controversial part of NAFTA, with some criticizing its effectiveness and enforcement mechanisms. However, it has also been credited with improving labor standards across the three countries. Since NAFTA`s implementation, Mexico has made significant progress in enforcing labor laws, and the agreement has helped to promote the growth of independent unions in the country.

Overall, the purpose of the NAFTA labor side agreement was to ensure that the benefits of increased trade were shared fairly among workers in all three countries. It aimed to protect workers` rights and prevent a race to the bottom in labor standards, while also promoting economic growth and cooperation between the US, Canada, and Mexico. Despite its controversies, the labor side agreement established an important mechanism for cooperation and enforcement of labor standards across borders.